shipping and Delivery

Once your order is completed, we will do all necessary arrangements/paperwork then later send out the baby same day or we send out the baby first thing in the morning so you receive the baby home same day later in the evening. Delivery is usually within 8-10 hours after departure. This is one of our specialties – we’ve been shipping puppies for more than 14 years and know what it takes to make the experience stress-free and enjoyable Through American or Delta Cargo Airlines. We can’t guarantee the pup won’t be stressed while they’re in transit – though we always go out of our way to ensure that they’re treated as best we can. And you’ll get them home as soon as possible with door-to-door service.

Our puppies are transported to your local Airport and later to your home address using a delivery van if you can not pick up from the Airport. This is the most efficient and secure way, particularly if you live farther away or in another state. We ship our puppies in a custom-made pet carrier that’s designed specifically for the size of the pup, the distance travelled, or the length of time in transit. Air travel is just like any other kind of travel with regards to security and comfort: they go in an air-conditioned and pressurized compartment on the plane. And because they’re not transported in the passenger cabin, they’ll never have contact with baggage, ensuring their safety.

I’m really excited to announce that we’re now shipping puppies in crates! The crates are marked with “Live Animals” and a “UP” sticker. Inside the crate, we mark it clearly with the airport where they will go, the confirmation number and address of the buyer. Before they get shipped, our team takes them out of the cage to play with them so they can get used to it. They never have any fear of the cage at all. The crate has plenty of food and water in case they need it during delivery.

It’s important that we travel responsibly when taking our animals with us, so we take what we can do to make the journey easier for them. We always make sure they have plenty of food and water while they’re en route, which is why it’s important to plan flights that will get them there as quick as possible. That way, they don’t spend more time than they need too in transit.

 Our puppies health is our number one concern. We do not ship when we believe it may be risky for your pup’s health. Most of the time, we ship on Sundays and Mondays; this is based on what seems safest for the pups – your puppy isn’t sick! Your puppy might need a little time to settle in after they have now gotten used to their new home, but many clients report that their pup walks out of the crate and feels right at home.

It’s important to have a reliable and safe way to transport your new puppy. We can do it by arranging for an Airline Nanny to take your new pet right up front with them during the flight. It’s the most trustworthy and dependable service, as well as the most relaxing way for your pet to arrive at their destination. And with our professionalism, we will ensure that every piece of detail is taken care of to provide you with the best treatment for your dog.

Shipping is safe and easy for puppies, so you can count on a safe trip. The pup will be delivered within 8-10 hours from the day it’s ordered, depending on where you live. Adult dogs flying are the same as I am when I fly. I’ve been shipping doggies for more than 14 years by now, and my pups always arrive happy and stress-free thanks to being delivered directly, non-stop.

Our puppies are shipped via airlines since it’s the most efficient and secure way to move them from our house to yours, especially if you live further away or in another state. A pet kennel specially designed for the size of your puppy is used or they travel in a pressurized and air-conditioned compartment on the plane. They’re not near baggage in the same cabin as passengers.

One of the reasons we always plan direct flights whenever possible is because it’s not easy travelling with dogs. They need food and water, so if our puppy were to get stuck at the airport overnight, it could be a problem. If this ever happens, we won’t be worried about whether they’ve enough food or water since you always need to worry about how your pet will cope with travelling.

As soon as you decide to become a puppy parent, we’ll start doing everything in our power to make sure you’re getting your new companion as soon as possible. We go through extensive measures to ship only when we know the conditions are safe– and that usually means shipping on Sundays and Mondays. Your puppy will be healthy, happy, and well-fed from the time they gently pat their paw on the floor of their crate. Most clients say they walk out of the crate with little hesitation and feel so at home in their new surroundings.